Lionel Messi – Destroying Great Players – Marcelo, Ramos, Nesta, Vidić…

Lionel Messi – Destroying Great Players – Marcelo, Ramos, Nesta, Vidi… Bienvenido a la tienda de camisetas de ftbol baratas Tailandia AAA. camisetas de futbol Netherlands Llevamos ms de 8 aos comprometidos con esta industria, con una lnea de produccin estable, un slido equipo de servicio al cliente y una gran cantidad de los clientes ms leales. Tenemos suficiente experiencia para satisfacer tus necesidades de camisetas de ftbol.

Lionel Messi – Destroying Great Players – Marcelo, Ramos, Nesta, Vidi…


Fad3nHD Production

Messi vs the best football players in the world: Ramos, Marcelo, Nesta, Vidi, Carvajal, Casemiro, Ferdinand, Kante, Umtiti, Godin and more!

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100 comentario en “Lionel Messi – Destroying Great Players – Marcelo, Ramos, Nesta, Vidić…”
  1. Haters will say Ronaldo did better until after injury!
    Now my question is, don't other players get injured, go for treatment and still come back to be a better version of themselves?

  2. En las dos finales mundiales que jugó y no ganó es que debió jugar así, pero el argentina le gustan los partidos fáciles sin importancia para lucirse ante cojos y mancos, cuando son partidos decisivos para ganar un título le falta la clase y coraje que le sobraba a maradona, no sirve un jugador de esas características, decepciona totalmente.
    7 balones de oro y ningún título mundial ganado de forma directa,solo.penales.
    Con 20 años en el fútbol debería tener mínimo 4 títulos mundiales ganados y 5 champions pero no es así .
    Mucha publicidad y pocos hechos concretos.

  3. dri caranya mongolah bola bkn manusia normal, brani taruhan nyawa, tunjukkan skil mana yg mampuh menyamai begitu banyak Dribel dri tahun ke tahun, kelas Dewa mana gocekan Ronaldo Mbape dan halland?? ketiganya di gabung jadi satu ga mgkin juga bisa nyamain begitu banyak dirbel dri Messi.

  4. Gênio, gênio, gênio! Jogadoraaaaaaaço! Os meus olhos viram esse gênio em ação. Na lista do maiores e mehores da história, pra mim ele e o Zidane são os maiores que vi jogar.

  5. This is the difference between players memorize tricks and Messi. This entire video is pure improvisation. No wasted energy or showboating, just pure intention to move the ball forward. Messi's greatest "trick" is basically not letting you get the ball no matter how hard you try! lol

  6. Siempre "destruyó" a sus rivales, menos en las 2 finales mundiales que no pudo ganar.
    Tampoco destruyó a nadie en las veces que jugando con el barcelona y el psg fue eliminado de la champions.
    Esa era la ocasión.
    Se retira del fútbol sin haber ganado ningun título mundial con sus goles.

  7. Its almost like a PL player playing against a Sunday league player or man against kids. It would be embarassing if it weren't Messi as it is almost like a given that in his younger years and in his prime, he was going to go through anyone or any team and all you could do was to not feel down and give up on the match you're playing. On top of that, he had the best players ever surround him as teammates. What a player, so happy to have witnessed his rise to greatness.

  8. Defending Mbappe: Put 2-3 men on him, and take away any passing options he may have.
    Defending Ronaldo: Mark him tightly, physically, and keep your formation tight in the box.
    Defending Messi: …, be aggressive on the attack, when you get the ball back after he scores.

  9. LOL… Messi is a masterful genius … he can dribble, pass, score, kick free kicks, assist and create plays and opportunities all in one package …. and he manages to do it all in the most humble of manners …. Unbelievable but very true !!!!

  10. Messi should have 15 Ballon d'Ors, fact. The god and ultimate genius of football Messi The GOAT is returning, fuel your hearts to return as the Greatest, Best and Most Victorious player in the History of Football. We Love Lionel Messi The GOAT. Messi should have 15 Ballon d'Ors, fact.

  11. if messi can be reborn like pes career mode, 17 years old messi would worth over a billion dollars today. cause scrub today will cost u 100 millions lol

  12. Ningu humano va a poder siquiera llegar a hacer, lograr, todo la que hizo Messi en su carrera deportiva, porque no hay humano que tenga los años suficiente ni la fuerza, solo un extraterrestre 👽 lo podría igualar, pero nunca superarlo; MESSI ES INFINITO. 💪🇦🇷 REY DE REYES 💪🇦🇷

  13. I see a lot of people talk about his moments and the subtle fakes he has to change directions but nobody points out how those moments perfectly move his opponents to an off balance position through how good he reads his defenders body language

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