Lionel Messi’s Super Bowl ad with Dan Marino and Jason Sudeikis

Lionel Messi’s Super Bowl ad with Dan Marino and Jason Sudeikis Tienda OnLine especializada en venta de Ftbol Profesional donde comprar Botas, camisetas de futbol Panam Equipaciones personalizadas y Equipaciones baratas.

#nfl #nflonfox #nfloncbs
Muchas gracias por ver el vdeo!
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100 comentario en “Lionel Messi’s Super Bowl ad with Dan Marino and Jason Sudeikis”
  1. interesting, finn rusell scotland is more majical than messi and can tackle big men. see him today. he says hes messi. i say hes better. wierd half my dream throw like marino and be my oppsoite rugby majic finn ruseell.

  2. Genuine question – why do virtual all the footballs shown in US media have that black and white pattern?

    I don’t think it’s been used in Europe for decades yet seems to be the generic football in yhe US

  3. Ronaldo isn’t wrong Messi loves to promote this drinks and alcohol sad to see people looking up to him when he a showing them to drink this porducts Ronaldo cares for our safety and health

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