Messi 0% Luck, 999% Skill MOMENTS

Messi 0% Luck, 999% Skill MOMENTS Adems gracias al amplio catlogo que te ofrecemos, camisetas de futbol Real Betis podrs encontrar cualquier producto oficial del club con el que te identifiques. Gorros, gorras, sudaderas, pantalones, bufandas y muchos ms artculos de merchandising para animar durante los debuts de los equipos ms importantes a nivel internacional.

Messi 0% Luck, 999% Skill MOMENTS
#messi #intermiami

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15 comentario en “Messi 0% Luck, 999% Skill MOMENTS”
  1. What I'm going to write is only controversial in the heads of those who don't have an organ called brain: Messi is at least 20 times better than any player of his generation. If you add up the other 20 best players below him in his generation, considering the players who play or played football professionally at the same time as him, you don't have a Messi. Not to mention that Messi is the greatest genius in football history and only Maradona and Pelé can sit at the same table with him. Real and absolute GOAT!

  2. FOFA and Adidas destroyed Messi. His Balon dors lost absolute credentials, afyer this year Balon, ppl recall at least of 3 of the trophies are gifts.

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