LIONEL MESSI & INTER MIAMI WIN LEAGUES CUP | Full Game Highlights Tienda N 1 en Camisetas de Ftbol Baratas y Replicas Encontrars todas las camisetas de futbol Chicago Fire y ropa de entrenamiento de los clubs y selecciones nacionales para adultos y nios. Las camisetas de ftbol ms vendidas que podras personalizar con nombre y nmero de un jugador o tus propios. Camisetas de ftbol baratas de la mejor calidad Thai AAA en toda la web. Tenga la seguridad de que elegirnos le brindar una experiencia de compra diferente.
Watch as Inter Miami defeats Nashville SC, 1-1 (10-9 on pen.), in the 2023 Leagues Cup Final. Lionel Messi scored the opening goal in the 23rd minute, marking his 7th-straight match with a goal scored.
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Los amantes de las camisetas de diferentes equipos de ftbol tienen una oportunidad de oro este mes en Bilbao. New England Revolution 2022/2023 camisetas de la 1 equipacin Del 7 al 12 de marzo en el centro de la capital vizcaina se celebrar la mayor exposicin y venta de camisetas ftbol vintage del Estado. Prendas raras, diferentes; prendas de coleccionista que recalarn en la villa gracias a un pop up que ocupar un local en Yimby Street Iparraguirre, en la calle Iparraguirre 31.
Top scorer EVERYWHERE … Top assister EVERYWHERE … M.V.P. EVERYWHERE … Man Of The Match Award Winner EVERYWHERE … SERIOUS REASONS TO BE THE FIRST AND ONLY. THE ONE AND ONLY G.O.A.T. THE OFFICIAL G.O.A.T OF COURSE (Just like IFFHS and UEFA have stated at their official websites but media will never tell you that…)
Akhirnya buka puasa
Average day for Leo
Messi will change the history of American football ???
This needs to be Game of the Year!
We are gonna See Soccer becoming Number 1 Sport in USA So Soon i believe, what an impact frol Leo <3
This G.O.A.T made the worst team in American league to win the cup.
Messi ??
Hot dog league
The most corrupt tournament I have ever experienced. You can't make this sh up, for real! Pathetic!
Inter miami have good players but they didnt have a good captain or a leader that handel them the previous captain of inter miami was cant able to handle but messi handel it messi also helped with goals and assists he deservs it. ❤
And just for record…it is called football
peter drury is the only missing piece
Cangratulations Inter Miami and Amazing Lionel Messi ?????
Lol mls paid millions of dollars to bring a el zerote de messi to win a league cup that doesn't worth a penny ha ha ha ha hey tata return all the money that you stole from Mexico. Ratero
Messi scored in every match and his team won the championship in the end.
Just like La liga. No tackling no nothing. They let him run like they don’t defend him. Football became so soft
Is nobody gonna talk about the miami goalkeeper who straight up scored a goal in the penalty shootout?
Messi escroc !!! Tu te croyais en vacances n'a paris ??? pathétique humain,nul…
First one was an absolute banger
Best decision joing inter miami. UNSTOPPABLE
Again….to see the Magic of Messi and Goalkeeper contribution in a final match. Just like Dejavu of last worldcup final.
Messi genius ⚽??
It would not be shocking if down the line in the futre the trophy for this tournament (should it stick around), will be renamed the Lionel Messi Trophy.
Plz god, give messi a 6 months on loan pass to Barcelona to play a last dance Champions
Impressão minha ou goleiro do inter fez gol de propósito ?
Great soccer game. European soccer just isn't this good. It's great to see American soccer at its finest ??⚽️??
Messi is playing football in easy mode hehe
Amennnn,FELICITATION The king Leo,je reçoit doublement au nom puissant de JESUS CHRIST
All the Goals in MLS are because of the Goalkeepers lacking what they suppose to do ?…. They make many players looking better then they really are ?
Messi must have caught off guard by how intense that penalty shootout was it's even wackier than the Argentina World Cup Final, Miami's keeper bangs a pen against the other keeper then saves his attempt to win it?
he gaves a new level of quality , relevance and competitivity to american league, it´s a great privilege for his teamates enjoy the same ground to Leo Messi
too easy… this just shows how bad mls is?
? messi
0:03 love the "Uh-Oh!" from the commentator as Messi's about to do that thing!
Wow. Finally some exciting soccer over in the USA! I'm all in lads! ⚽️ USA ??
I like you +1
Great match. Unbelievable !!!
Man I gotta tell ya…this match was the best in this MLS season for me. The struggle, the fight, the resilience, and then the surprising result. I cant ask for more. I hope the people at the top of the MLS take note. This is the level this league should get to. Even higher, if they ever dream of bringing the best European talent to America. I want to see Europeans watching this league in awe. Level up MLS! LE-VEL-UP!
Anyone here who is an MLS fan should be ashamed of themselves.
If you were real soccer fans you would have watched Messi when he was not old and played for Barca
Hay lám bạn ơi
Espn you should hire me to edit so i can watch a proper game highlight..turning this awful edit into something that can be compared to the other’s.
Full match
Messi is the goat period. But let's not bs we saw what happened to the Mexican teams, they got robbed! I'm not saying they were going to win the championship or whatever but you got a glimpse of the theory that they say that all sports are rigged and if only the people knew.
Ronaldo is better
One great player doesn’t make a team but completes it!! Unreal!!!!
Come on.. now i knows what kinda type player that messi is?. Even if he move from PSG to manchester utd or chelsea. He'll never solved the problem?
Finishes the script lol freemasonry working hard
Then think about Argentina without Messi?️
Does football become more popular in the us? Is it because more and more stars heading to us league during their career ending?
Messi is playing very good and he has for generations. We saw him as the best GOAT in the world probably!
❤❤❤Messi Barselona
What a clean match “no yellow card no red card” wow ? amazing match congratulations ? ? ? ?
That line "it doesn't matter"
magic Messi!
Sheesh!!!! Best leagues final shoot out in a long time
Messi gracias por estar en Miami Eres Unico y no puedo dejar de decir q los Otros Les dieron fuerte pero Al final gano team messi,te amo y vienvenido a Miami pues ya hacia falta UN messi aqui.❤?YES,q emocion volvimos a ganar messi estas lleno de bendiciones y ESO sucede cuando estas con dios,AMEN. Bendiciones para ti y tu Hermosa familia .,y a seguir ganando.?????????estoy super feliz.????????❤❤❤❤?????????????????????????????
Voy a decir lo q siento lo q vi y lo q oi,y esto espero q messi lo lea con humildad es q me atrevo a decir estas palabras feas pero verdaderas,messi vi en Telemundo noticias UN video Tuyo con Maluma donde tu te veian muy feliz y le dabas la Copa a Maluma,bueno segun las noticias se esperaba q Maluma hiciera UN video Contigo o si sacaba una cansion q hablara de ese trofeo y si Saco UN video y hablo del trofeo pero dicen las noticias q donde estabas tu en ese video y q en ningun momento El tal Maluma mensiono El Nombre de messi y es cierto pues acabo de ver El video y tu nada q ver ahi,ok TE pido disculpas yo soy solo una fan tuya pero me dolio la mierda q hiso Maluma El pobrecito se aprobecho del momento q tu le prestastes la Copa y Saco UN video musica a su favor y esto me duele mucho,pero a la misma vez te Digo messi q tu estas bendecido y trajistes a Miami la bendicion y esas pobres estas q se alimentan de personas como tu algun dia logren SER feliz pues una persona q actua ASI no es feliz y le falta dios en su vida,bueno me despido Diciendote messi q sea siempre muy feliz con tu familia y q nunca hagas caso a este tipo de ignorantes pues lo unico q buscan es q lis demas no sean felices eso se llama ni comen ni dejan comer,te amo messi,bendiciones❤❤❤❤❤❤❤?????????????????
Y tambien pido disculpas messi si es q estoy equivocada en Todo lo q dije.pero si me equivoque entonces fue por q telemundo noticias y El video q vi de Maluma llamado trofeo son mentiras de todos ellos y yo solo quise defender a quien respeto y amo y ese Eres TU messi.❤?
I love comenttator said oh oh when Messi get the ball before score?
if ant of you think ronaldo is a better footballer than leo messi – you're either stupid or don't understand football.
Messi just did the world's best first to last comeback
I want a channel that broadcasts Inter Miami matches. Please help
Ah…oh.. Messssssssiiiiiii
I never seen soccer go past the penalties but I like that the goalies are the tiebreaker lol
We need these guys as the commentators in fc games
I was thinking Messi's carrier had peaked by Worldcup champion, but…. He is still continuig history. What a legend . What a G.O.A.T.
Congratulation Miami. ???
Everywhere he goes, he wins trophy???
After winning such a prestigious piece of silverware, Messi can finally retire.
Campana would’ve been hated if they lost ? he had the opportunity to score a perfect winner but that Messi goal. 4 touches to beat 5 players and score a perfect shot that if it was just a second late or even an inch to the right it’s saved
Worst thing about MLS are the commentators
Nashville looks better shooting more goals in the opponents' box looking at the highlight, but was unlucky and Inter Miami has got Messi.
That was a great start from GOAT.
축구 유일신 메시!
What's league cup
You know what make sense even more, he just came and took the club to greatness. This is a testament to his GOAT'ness, it will never be forgotten.
Miami finishes the script. Sports are rigged
??? messi be like – hey you all are not real mardid team you all are kids
Inter miami got a win trophy yay
Wow, it came to the goal keepers shooting out
Why are you always screamingTaylor Twellman?
Pessi is finished ?
Why is soccer stupid? That penalty shot shootout says why. The goalies are so small and the nets are so big it’s genuinely embarrassing when a player doesn’t score. Compare that to hockey where the goalies are much bigger, and the nets are much smaller. Way harder target to hit, from way stronger and faster players. This sport is the ultimate joke lol
Major credits to Nashville, they played really well. Penalties is just it is what it is. Congrats InterMiami.
I feel goosebumps with Messi goal
I just hate how calendar did winning save and focused only on messi, like I know hes cute and all but cmon that goaler was on fire that match too. MVP imo (in my opinion)
Enjoy every second of messi , ge is special. Sadly only in the USA would you have ppl seriously trying to say Miamis matches are fixed , why do they have to try and Hollywood or scandalise everything
I cant stand Messi
This game was good