Busi ➡️ Messi ➡️ Alba

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A goal made in Barcelona
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99 comentario en “Busi ➡️ Messi ➡️ Alba”
  1. BR football moved from being an independent football media to inter Miami official YouTube shorts channel just that quickly…..you would think the channel was founded to show mls clips if you didn't know them bfr

  2. Esses caras só mostram o quão pereba sao os jogadores do meu time que apanha tanto da bola e ainda só toca pra tras. Primeiro o jordi alba correu no corredor onde tinha um espaço gigante e o messi só tocou onde nao tinha ninguém. Claro q sao diferenciados mesmo, mas puta q pariu né vei.

  3. USA League is the worst in the world =Messi played badly in France PSG =Messi passes defenders and goalkeepers old players =Seniors =Messi still Bolland D.Or 2 Robert Lewandowski ?????????????????????????????????

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