Reaction To Inter Miami’s Historic Leagues Cup WIN! | LIONEL MESSI EFFECT

Reaction To Inter Miami’s Historic Leagues Cup WIN! | LIONEL MESSI EFFECT Comprar nuevas camisetas de ftbol baratas para la Copa Mundial 2022 y los futbol clubes en futbol, camisetas de futbol BUNDESLIGA Todos los camisetas de futbol replicas estn a la venta a precio baratas.

What an Unreal Way to start this NEW Era at Inter Miami

Will Inter Win The MLS Cup? Who Can Stop Messi? From the WORST team in the bookies to now contenders To Win

Sergio Busquets & Jordi Alba are living the dream next to Lion Messi once again

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74 comentario en “Reaction To Inter Miami’s Historic Leagues Cup WIN! | LIONEL MESSI EFFECT”
  1. I honestly thought Inter Miami was going to lose to Philly. I genuinely felt as if Miami was going to be humbled but i was proven very wrong! Messi is the GOAT

  2. Inter Miami is not invincible and can be defeated. In each game of the league cup, both teams have numerous opportunities to score goals. If they capitalize on these chances, the tide could easily turn against Miami. While Messi is undoubtedly a genius player and can score one or two goals per game, their opponents also have the potential to score more than three goals in each game they have played in the league cup so far. Therefore, it won’t be an easy victory for Messi in the MLS. ?

  3. They only played 7 games, with 2 prior training sessions and no pre-season and didn't suffer much other than with Dallas in which most were own mistakes from the defense, Nashville got to the box more often but didn't exactly create many chances. Callender only had like 3 saves and his own goal. The more games they play together, the better they'll become. They are gonna trash most MLS teams except LAFC and Cincinnati (maybe). It's not just Messi, the other Inter players are gonna continue to improve.

  4. Humble GOAT Messi will make every team bow down in US ! He was destroying biggest teams in Europe for almost 20 years at biggest stadiums…MEET MESSI-THE GOD OF FOOTBALL !

  5. To be fair, this Inter Miami had less than a month training together. Leagues Cup was like a training field for Tata Martino.
    So, i would say: imagine how well they'll play in two months of knowing each other.
    When the Taylor-Messi or Martinez-Messi link becomes stronger. When Messi, Busquets and Alba become physically better, since they came directly from vacations. When Avilés starts playing in defense and Farías in the midfield. When Cremaschi keeps improving his game alogside Busquets.
    Give this team 2 months and could become a total monster.

  6. My friend commentator, Lionel Messi is a very intelligent and constructive play station in football. Any one who plays with Messi motivated to make a difference. I am of the opinion that at the entrance of Messi in Inter-Miami, they will be difficult to beat in any match, whether league or not.

  7. From the age of 8 Massi is a custom to phsycally because he was always the smallest guy in every team he play in.. si is stupid to think that phsycally would scare Messi ?

  8. 6:20
    Ah yes, Remember when Real Madrid, Sevilla, Brazil and Uruguay learned how to stop Messi and weren't losing to him at least once a year?

    ..what do you mean it never happened?

  9. Messi had made the Best and stronger defenders in Europe looks like amateurs for almost 20 years, if they start to adapt to Messi Messi will adapt to them too , it took one month to take the worst team on the MLS still on last place to winning the Cup and the most they play and practice together the better they are going to get and that’s the scary thing

  10. There is this idea that the solution to Messi is "being physical". Real Madrid beat the hell out of Messi's body for a decade (Pepe, Ramos, Casemiro, again and again and again) just to keep watching him came up on top every single time.

  11. The goat is gonna shit on every mls team wdym bro I seen this alien do it at the top level for about 2 decades u think little old mls is gonna be difficult for him yeah okay ?

  12. Level of the teams so far, in all honesty I've only just started watching, it's like England's WSL standard! But I should and hope the league games will be of higher standard????

  13. Always wonder how come all these guys that say the other teams will learn and will take Miami because Miami isn't defending well, believe in the improvement of the others and don't consider the fact that Miami will learn and improve too. I mean, Messi played this cup without a preseason training… Do you have an idea how difficult it is to perform at high level playing every four days at 36 without having had a preseason training? There's a lot of margin of improvement for Miami as well, you need to take that into account when saying the other teams will learn and defeat them.

  14. the new inter miami is just getting together, the league cup was a preseason for the new team… this is just beginning. greetings from Argentina

  15. Miami can and will be beat. No team ever won every single game ever. It's not about being beat or not, it's about Miami going from the worst team in the MLS to a serious candidate to any competition they are in in a matter of days.

    Whoever the guy who was saying that teams would have a better chance against Messi by being physical has absolutely no clue and you can tell he hasn't ever watched a Messi match before he joined Miami.

  16. Not denying the effect of the Barcelona players, but Philly's game was so unfortunate because despite the result, they've played a VERY good game and the high pressure they've put on Miami's defense was amazing but the series of unfortunate events did not help them, like conceding at the 3rd minute, missing a huge change to equalize at the 7th and of course the goal keeper's awful positioning in the second goal… they all played a part in destroying the spirit of the team which led them to lose confidence and miss a lot of easy chances later on!

    Nevertheless, I'm very happy that Miami won the cup because this will force MLS to rethink their strategies and increase the allocated money and number of designated players because the current rules of the league are not helping the improvement of it, which eventually should be playing a part in producing a stronger competition and of course better talents for the national team.

  17. The only way to stop Messi from scoring is by removing the goal from the opponent team so he won’t find any place to score ?

  18. The problem with Messi is that if you give them 1 inch of space, they will score a goal for you, just like we saw in the final and in the end, if everyone covers Messi, the other Inter Miami players are free.

  19. How can you go hard on Messi? If Messi is injured, you will be that guy who F up the MLS. No one wants to be THAT GUY. In a sense, Messi got some kind of corporate protection on him.

  20. 4:32 You are right, there are teams in MLS that can Beat Inter Miami for sure… That's just the reality, Inter Miami was the worst team in MLS, now they got a great upgrade with the appearance of Messi, Busquets and Alba, but they still have a weakness in the Defense. FC Dallas and Nashville were very close to win Inter Miami, but Inter Miami was very Lucky.. can not always rely on the 3 old guys, if other players can not improve and stay focus , they can still be beaten at anytime.

  21. With time inter miami will build better player imo and Messi will convince IM owner bout project for the better future for IM so by building good player will sure win the MLS cup

  22. Messing teaching us : everyplayer can win a cup.. As long as being united together in a team. Not need to be a superstar to win a cup. Team management is the key.. For everyteam

  23. Hello from Argentina. From what I understood about the rules of your league, just the first eight from each conference qualify to the play offs. Right? Having that in mind, there are just 12 games to be played, so that means 36 points total on offer. Miami is last, 14 points away from 8th place right now. They literally need to win ALL games, and wait for the other teams above them to lose many points. That's the only way they will be able to be in the play offs. It'll be a really REALLY difficult task.

  24. I’m sorry I love MESSI and Inter Miami is good but they can be beaten and we should not assume they will make P.O. someone correct me if I’m wrong, but mathematically doesn’t Miami have to win out to make to playoff? Also, as a long time Messi fan, he looked exhausted that second half and hence why he didn’t make a bigger impact. I saw NSC take balls away from him and his face expression was one of a player running on fumes. That’s why I worried and I know that there’s no way he can endure this crazy schedule. When he played in la liga, only when there were UEFA group matches, would he play weekend and Wednesday and that was sporadic every two months or so. Most La Liga games were played on Saturday or Sunday a la NFL. If Tata wants to have Messi around for next two years, he will need to rest him when he can.

  25. this yank saying miami is a new team…united states are new to football…. so please don't try to comment on football you yanks that know anything about… just shut the fuck up

  26. I think you guys also need to take into consideration that they only played 7 games together. Imagine if they played regularly and consistently. I presume the younger guys would o ly get better

  27. Mr Whoever u r just enjoy the moment that they have won. They will surely know about all the teams as they play. Be thankful that Messi joined MLS. We didn't follow till the goat joined. Now it's only MLS for us ok

  28. Man's still salty about Miami trouncing Philly, eh? ?

    Dude, you can call it whatever you like – gave Messi too much repect, didn't dominate, etc., but a 4-1 scoreline is a trashing any day of the week in professional football. No two ways about it. But don't worry, Messi has a pretty good track record of proving naysayers wrong. Just wait and watch. ?

    And "MLS defenders will figure him out"? Elite European defenders have been "figuring out" Messi for years, they play him regularly, and yet they still couldn't stop him scoring bucketloads of goals every season.?

  29. When they said that the MSL games it gonna much harder for Messi i laugh so hard, cuz is it not the same teams he already defeated he will be facing? When they said oh they have not been physical on Messi I’m like have you not seen Messi against the likes of Ramos? Messi is not intimidated by physical approach, in fact it brings the beast out him

  30. @fc wonderkid Messi better then the whole Philly team put together, your team had the advantage and still lose to inter Miami, so cut the excuses that Messi was given a lot of respect, you’re lucky the game wasn’t played in Miami, there’s no such formula of keeping Messi quiet in a game, if he’s not scoring he’s providing for his teammates to score

  31. You are giving defenders endless headaches, they can't stop Messi; this guy Leo is a beast; a polite beast, small and bit old, but still the most deadly player ever from every angle of the field.

  32. Watching from Europe. Before Messi joined I didn’t give two shits about the MLS, now I’m invested just because of Messi. I would have never thought I’d see the day I watch a 2am inter Miami game ?

  33. I don't think there is a defender or defense out there that Messi cannot destroy. He played against the best defense in the World and he destroyed them all. Inter Miami will lose some games but 3/4s of them will end in wins. Messi is very very dangerous especially when he's happy, teams have dedicated players to mark him but they failed to completely keep him out of the game. Also, the team will improve massively.

  34. Bruhh. See the stats. Miami play away. Nashville at home. Nashville better in total shoot and on target but Miami have more possession. Nashville not dominated Miami. Sorry bruhh

  35. 4:50 Nashville dominated beacuse MIAMI players were tired, they had 6 new signing without pre season, around 2-3 important players suffering from injury. As days goes on Miami will significantly improve.

  36. Philadelphia fanboy crying big time. The goals that the Fusion scored against his squad were all legit.

    The first goal by Martinez was spectacular, a one timer, precision laser, without even having a touch or dribble off of a rope of a pass, with the defender right on him.

    Messi’s goal was exceptional, and while marked by a defender.

    Alba’s goal was probably the easiest one, but still beautifully executed.

    It shows a total lack of class to not give the opponent their due credit.

  37. the chap on the right says that nobody in the MSL has been physical with Messi and that will be a game changer when the other teams start playing him physical, mate have you not seen what Messi did to the top teams in Europe when they got physical and dirty with him (Real Madrid)? He gets more motivated and destroys them….Americans!?

  38. I think you lose the argument when you say your team gifted the opponent their goals. Philly created 15 chances but didn't score goals that can equalize. Also, Miami as a team only had 7 games together. I presume when as the time goes on, the younger kids would get better.

  39. they can't get overly physical with Messi. First of all, he's seen every physical tactic in the book his entire career. Secondly, and more importantly, they can't risk injuring him. It would take money out of everyone's pocket, the entire league would suffer. They can get physical, they can pressure him more, but they can't overdo it. High risk, almost no reward.

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