Is Lionel Messi Actually Autistic? Apoya a la Roja en todos sus partidos con una sudadera, una equipacin o una camiseta de la seleccin espaola. camisetas de futbol Philadelphia Descubre toda la coleccin en adidas.
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Messi is d bringer of joy and happiness .. that's all he is !!!!??
He looks like he has down syndrome
Bro I’m autistic????
Just because they do weird things doesn’t mean they’re autistic
Bro did a flip mid play?
The guy who made this video os 100% autistic
Wtf so nobody can be a regular human being. Matter of fact you sound autistic with that dumb voice of yours.
Hahahaha lol haters ?, he’s cool, leave him alone
I hope he gets properly diagnosed
Yes he is
Yes he is
Wtf is with these armchair psychologists these days? Can’t people have different personalities without being diagnosed with some condition?
Let’s be honest if he was autistic that would just make what he does on the pitch even better?
Well the main symptom of autism is social awkwardness so you can't rule it out
Funny how the most marketable players usually are more inclined to having strange behavior lapses. Tiger famously didn't know shit about any holes he magically sank. Coincidentally Leo, Roger, Usain, Phelps, Serena, Rafa, Nole, Lewis, etc. all apeared on trans world sport.
Is the creator of this video autistic?
i think hes an introvert
One body feint and he will have you looking slow
The one with taking the photo with the gorgeous lady is something that he has always done out of tremendous love and respect for his wife. He knows how photos can be tremendously misinterpreted and he doesn’t even open himself up to that type of scrutiny. He takes that approach to photographs with the majority females that ask him
He is just a church guy
He is a greedy cheater and really nothing special. There are many other short legged players that are better than this hyped can of pepsi.
OK I will just roll down ?
The narrator is way more autistic than messi
the autistic spectrum is very wide so yeah it could be even true that he is in that spectrum
You can’t be autistic and bankrupt the club of your life at the same time.
All that HGH messed his mind up
Bro he got diagnosed by the Argentina medical team
And thats why leon edwards has the most ..
I’m actually Autistic
Why does messi ack awkward? Is he autistic?
messi might have a higher iq, he manages to solve complicated problems with the easiest move sometimes. maybe a hidden genius, someone should find out how he did in school.
It's called being an introvert yall?
Who gives a shit?
he is an alien
He’s just an introvert. Amazing player though
hes just a chill guy
Shawty that’s socially awkward.. sounds familiat
Autism isn't a syndrome, it's a condition.
he is just borderline
Bruh he just plays around a lot and bro think he autistic
He is shy and insecure. He is not autistic.
The only reason I commented here is because the video had 999 comments
"Alrigth yea men, i can play that better than you"???
Im autistic
Would autism make someones achievements less legitimate, or make someone bad as a person?!
I feel sorry for how people with autism seems to be stigmatized.
As for Messi… he is the goat of football/soccer. And that’s the one thing that really matters about him.
Maybe he’s just hyperactive
Wtf are u supposed to do when someone playing wack ass music looking into ur eyes expecting u to bop To it
Your example of him behaving strangely, is him exhausted right at the moment when the game ended. Lmao, what a moron.
He is not autistic he is Asperger
Nothing looked weird.
I think imma go back to my portal, hell ?
‼️‼️Make this top comment please and thank you ‼️???
Bruh these videos crack me up because first of all they don’t even have evidence to back up of what they’re saying, and they get clips from the goals that they made and the poor defending that they do and they make them look bad I really hate these videos ?? and now they’re trying to say Messi is artistic come on brother get back into reality The first video of him flipping was because he was pissed that it didn’t go in that’s why he did that stop calling him artistic it’s not my fault that Crystal Ronaldo couldn’t live up to the World Cup so stop being salty that he won and give him ownership of what he accomplished last year
guys accent is autistic ? (this is a joke)
Lionel messi is the goat he’s just like the rest of us
It’s roll over for me lol
I mean if I saw someone get tackled I would roll over too
Do you?
He's just calculating another world cup. No big deal.
He’s very autistic. I’m a doctor.
Bro obviously someone with that level of focus and skill isn’t going to be 100% normal ?
As someone that has autism Messi doesn't act like it?
Kevin De Bruyne is really autistic.
There’s a lot of people who don’t land anywhere in the autism spectrum, but they act awkward… on purpose. For their own attention, to aggravate others, etc. Lots of videos on this.
Okay is their something wrong with that tho?
I’d 100%say he retarded who goes to psg and then America like you’re an aledged great of football and you end up in those joke leagues
Shows 20 seconds of evidence for Autism
7 seconds later “there’s no evidence of Messi being autistic” ??
he will never beat the tism allegations but he won the GOAT debate i’ll give him that
He's mentally challenged, and in my country we put them down.
Might be on the higher spectrum
No, he's a genius. And like all geniuses they think on a different level. And as far as the roll in the box, cmon ma, we all show disappointment in different ways. I've seen way more outlandish reaction from players that are barley a fraction of his skill.
As a Ronaldo fan, it’s super uncomfortable watching people talk about Messi like this. Yeah he does awkward things, but so what? If a normal person does this people would probably chuckle and move on. But because a famous footballer does it, it’s automatically associated with a mental syndrome. Like stfu Apu from Simpsons
Messi's allegations ?
Ronaldo's allegations ?
I think if you had a camera on your face every day, at one point you would just give up and stop caring. He literally only cares about his family and doing his job, so he can go to his family
How far you go just to get views…
Hes not socially awkward, he’s just a curious child in a 35 yr old body.
I have never heard anybody ask that until you did now you nerd ???
Does this mean im the goat???
Bruh if he was autistic he would be playing footbol rn ???
As a person with autism the one from 2015 looks more like adhd or he's just tires
Its just goat behaviour that we dont understand yet
There is no evidence that he is an autistic, but many people ask: Is Leo Messi an alien? And the answer is… yes
Bro,im auctisct and for me this isn’t signs of it (all autisms are different but this is my opinion)
His so dumb ???… There a new clip of some one doing magic to him .. he reacts so slow like he has no emotions felling of eny enjoy..
Messi just wanted to make Barca players laugh
Wtf man im a ronaldo fan but i play like a mix of ronaldo and messi lol
He has Asperger’s. People with this syndrome are considered to be geniuses in what they focus on the most or what they love to do. In Leo’s case, it’s football.
He has goat syndrome ???
the problem is, he doesnt even know he is messi himself….
Autistic ❌
He is just a Ronaldo fan shut up Barcalegion5,he doesn't talk about Ronaldo,he only talks about Messi