Mateo Messi Copies Lionel Messi Skills In Viral Video Entre las tecnologas que destacan en nuestra tienda de camisetas de ftbol est la VaporKnit de Nike, utilizada en las camisetas del FC Barcelona, camisetas de futbol Tottenham Hotspur que ha sustituido a la emblemtica Dri-Fit, presente en las que ya son consideradas camisetas de ftbol vintage del Bara. Tambin podrs descubrir la tecnologa Heat.Rdy de adidas, o la Drycell de Puma, que combina con su Formstrip para conseguir el ajuste ideal.
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Gracias por su apoyo y eleccin de nuestra tienda en la Copa Mundial 2022. Atlanta United FC 2022/23 CAMISETAS DE LA 2 EQUIPACIN Como una tienda en lnea de camisetas de ftbol baratas en la que los clientes VIP siempre han confiado, madridshop continuar tomando la satisfaccin del cliente como la fuerza motriz principal y retribuir a nuevos y habituales clientes con precios asequibles y actividades duraderas.
Genius does not force itself. Courage little Mateo.
GOAT ? on the way. Like father like son ❤️
Whoa ? ❤
It is not Mateo
El chico del video no es Mateo Messi. Verifiquen la informacion que dan.
This child will do lots better if he does not get the attention that he is getting . To much fame leads to too much expectation , which in turn may lead to a burn out . Let him be , let him enjoy his childhood .
Did we know Messi when he was this young !
Mateo will follow the father's path
I guess ciro is more like Messi
I HATE missleading titles!!!
Numbers will be broken but you will not see anyone who plays like Messi and that's what we who see him will remember
Like Father, Like Son.
He will break …. Not broke
What if he turns out to be better than messi ?
If u are a true messi fan u will kn that this is not mateo
He will follow his father's legacy n might also be greater than his father too…
Thiago never really had that Passion for football but Mateo looks forward to it.. though I don't wanna create no hype.. I'm happy with Leo Messi.. the greatest of all time.. after his retirement I'll enjoy football without expectations.. since Leo has completed football
He's not Mateo Messi
Messi and Ronaldo have planted something in football no one else could know…most especially Messi generation.
He's not Mateo messi
* Son of a famous football player playing football normally *
Everyone: omg he copied his father!11!1
This kid is amazing but please, comparing Messi to others is a curse. You can see what happened to those that have been compared to Messi. They didn't go anywhere. Just let Messi alone above everyone ❤
Aunque este niño no sea Mateo, se comenta que es otro niño parecido, es increíble…digno de admiración.?
There will be no player to score 91 goal in a season
I see mateo play like cr7 skill
football heritage
He will break Messi's record was the greatest joke ever ???
Messi should bring his son to Barcelona academy
oh so we have another name to call pessi? nah meteo is good, pessi is destroying his elder one ??poor pessi
I love Mateo❤❤❤❤
Mateo??? ❤️❤️❤️
That's not Mateo
The question is, will he play for Argentina or Spain?
Mateo is not right foot
Is it even Mateo???
This comment section are pretty chill then the video before because
1.Good thing about Messi ✔️
2.Not toxicity about Ronaldo ✔️
3.related to this video ✔️
W comment section
Lemme tell u guys I'm Messi fan
Ronaldo fan might be worse but the different video i watched about Mateo dribbling in the comments section our community don't say about Mateo they are just roasting Ronaldo even for Messi fan is hard for them to read the comment section without losing brain cells if u don't believe me here's the links
Messi says all of his sons play with their left foot lol this kid is playing with his right foot y'all are slow
It's not mateo
Like father like son❤❤❤
No es mateo messi el niño
The boy is good, but I’m a little worried that he kicks with his right foot. Is that even his son??
He is over hyped
Click bait
The Family Messi is Beautiful Show ♡♡♡♡♡
He got Messi's genes right?- It's all there in his DNA he needs to discover it!
Its is not messi's son ?
This is not mateo messi
ese no es Mateo Messi
I don’t think that child is Mateo
A thousand years later, no one will break Messi 's records. From football to Messi is the end
This is a kid living in the Netherlands named Amin…..???????
Like father Like son
I really hope because messi record are not fair he plsy most on Barcelona sucks on national team and always behind great team
Estos niños son pequeñitos, seguro que salieron a sus padres que son muy pequeños
He is not Messis son, im from Argentina.
It is a natural truth that a lion is born from a lion. But that lion was a lion that comes only once in 100 years. Don't expect too much from the child.
My son
he is not Mateo
My God
Our Generation will take Messi as the greatest ❤
But the following might get another influential. Those who were Pele's and Maradona's contemporary, they don't get influenced by CR7 or Messi. You know, it's about the contemporary…
Power of father ❤❤❤
No Mateo Messi
Honestly I'm not fond of these clips of little kids comparing them to other football players in general coz it puts alot of pressure in them, it's better to just let them grow and figure out what they want for themselves in the future rather than just forcing it on them.(This is my opinion so plz don't attack me on comments section)
Mejor va. A ser Messi no tiene skills ?
Ese niño no es Mateo Messi ya lo aclararon en otro video por favor no mientan así como hubo un solo Pele y un solo Maradona también hay un sólo Messi ❤
He will broke records like the broken engles.
"Messi and Ronaldo are highly regarded as two of the best players of all time". ??? Messi is regarded as not one of the best but the GOAT.
The robot said "Ronaldo and Messi are two of the best players of all time". Please for love of football don't mention Ronaldo and Messi in one sentence. It is a disgrace. There are many players who can be like or better than Ronaldo but there will only be one Messi. Haaland will put Ronaldo in dust.
هذا الشبل من داك الاسد
Մեսսին փոքր ժամանամ ապագա չեմպիոն?????
I don't think that is mateo
He is not even messi's son this is random kid….why people are soo blind asf
??this is not mateo messi…..cristiano jr will be the next goat after ronaldo….
King already ?♥️??
1000 millions billions dollars for each 1babez 〽️
Don't post wrong thumbnail for likes and views
Cris is widely considered one of the greatest. Messi is widely considered as THE greaatest.
This kid is coming to the MLS youth soccer ? Florida Miami area.
The only guy who can beat messi?
Like his father,the ball is glued to his feet
Love you messi ????????
Why are so many ppl in the comments still thinking it’s Mateo Messi when the narration in the video clearly states that’s not Mateo Messi???
Not matteo