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Only shooting can't keep you up bros… Need to use how and when to use like Messi in any situation
Ball is dropping on ground messi
Messi rigged the first one?
Halland knows Ronaldo Right legs Better than Messi ?❤❤❤
Why is nobody talking about the keepers just standing in messi free kick or am I missing sumth
Me gustaria ver a ronaldo quitandose a nueve como lo hizo el goat
I just watched twice ?
Ronaldo y Messi two GOAT????????
El goat de messi es el rey de los tiros libres realidad ?
Bro that 2008 Messi goalkeeper ?
halland said he prefers cr7's leg, because his left hand is already good
Messi The G.O.A.T
Bro you edit so cool ?
Ronaldo suiiiiiiiiii
bro both goat ok messiis ailen cr7 goat
Messi used brain
Old is gold?
Bro scared to put messi 2010 to 2012 highlights
MEssi 2009
Messi in 2022- world cup
Ronaldo in 2022- Al nasar
Ronaldo ?????❤
2008 and 2016 2017 2018 ronaldo = unstoppable
Messi 2012 2011 2015 2010 = unstoppable
tylko Messi
I Wonder the 2012?!??
Bro looks the Age First and when messi Will be at the Age of Ronaldo all of you Will comprend messi Is very much strongest then Ronaldo
I compared the far penalty and the near penalty, clown
Ronaldo is got ?
Messi prime 2012
Ronaldo prime 2008
Young messi iq 999 young ronaldo iq85??????????????????ronaldo
Dude shows the baddest clip of Messi
As a Messi fan his long shots are insane but in 2008 ronaldo was older compare 2008 Messi with 2006 ronaldo?
چقدر کس میگین
خارجی های کون لق
Halland ?ronaldo
? ? no debat
3-0 in the 8 minute for messi wow!
He was best dribbler till 2006 to 2009 after that he got ingured and he stop dribbling and started only scoring
Cr7 ?? messi ???
Well you cant compare ronaldo who is 2 years older then messi especially in 2008
Young ronaldo vs messi 0-2 in CL final in Rome ?????
In juventus his long kicks is a sheet
Messi 2021?
RONALDO ?, Messi ???
Ахахаха чел ты такой тупой просто я не могу а почему ты показал 1 момент Месси и 5-6 моментов Роналду? Почему не показал лучшие моменты Месси? Ахаххаха боже…
Real power of Ronaldo
Thanks for this edit, it was too cold ?
Messi? Ronaldo ?
Messi be like : Work smart not hard
Messi'nin frikikleri o kadar iyidi ki messiye boş kaleye atmasına izin verildi tabikide ronaldonunkide iyi ama örnek yanlış
her şey ayak ve şut olsaydı carlos>>>>tüm futbolcular ????????
Cr7 is very better messi?
The last one was smoothest goal ever in Football ever ?
The way the player looked at Ronaldo’s leg ??
Bununla övünen ronladomu yoksa 2009 2010 2011 2012 messimi
Ronaldo ist der Beste Fußballer der Welt
Ronaldo,, who?
Messi 2011/12 ???
Me hiding behind the goalpost: I aint dying today and tomorrow
Мessi better
Messi 2012……
o yea
Месси 18 Роналду 22
We know both are goats but ur comparing prime Ronaldo
To reagular messi
Siiiiiiiiiii ?????
Messi hat da auch seine kariere angefangen also kannst du nicht etwas sagen
I am morely a Messi fan (I respect both goats ????????) but i would take Ronaldo’s right foot, i think he shoots with more power, while Messi shoots more precisly
I would take Ronaldo’s right foot and get Messi brain. I like Ronaldo more but need to accept that Messi is also very good
Mesii is the goat ronaldo no
Not at 2009???
Чел ты..
Young Ronaldo was too cold ?
Ronaldo right foot or rCarlos left foot
ну сила то сила, а че по технике?
Ronaldo is good but Messi is best cause age is never beat Messi ??
But Messi 2009 2010 2011 2012
Hmmm and missy is still the best ??❤❤❤
Ballon dor
Wait, what was the goalkeeper doing (Messi's goal)
I agree but messi 2012> ronaldo 2008 guys
Messi win
Bro take the ugliest goal of messi in 2008??
Messi the goat?
Penaldo is dangerous in penalties caution
man dont realize he make the most coolest, badasses, coldest, hottest, goatest, kickness, pros. edit ever