Lionel Messi $9 Million Penthouse In Miami Is INSANE ??? #messi #football #shorts

Lionel Messi $9 Million Penthouse In Miami Is INSANE #messi #football #shorts Compre camisetas de ftbol baratas replicas en la tienda deportiva ms grande de Europa. camisetas de futbol Aston Villa Grandes ofertas en todas las camisetas del club de ftbol, kits europeos e internacionales, todo a los precios ms bajos!

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99 comentario en “Lionel Messi $9 Million Penthouse In Miami Is INSANE ??? #messi #football #shorts”
  1. If he can run for 90 minutes nonstop, I am sure he wouldn’t mind taking the elevator… but I guess then he has to deal with the fans.. i get it

  2. Fun Fact: he has Anuel AA for a neighbor, you can actually find in some of his music videos the car lift taking him to his penthouse

  3. I was thinking would it cost 9million to build a building like that. Obv not but let’s move it to a place where the value isn’t artificially inflated. How much would it cost to build that whole skyscraper

  4. This video said, “ Did you know that this 9 million dollar penthouse is actually stunning?” ….. Well NO SHT!!! IT IS 9 MILLION!!!! That’s like saying… “ Did you know that the woman who won Ms. America is actually beautiful?” …… DUMB AZZ

  5. Jesus said for a rich man to enter heaven is like for a camel to go through hole of a sawing needle. So good luck on judgment day Messy and rich people

  6. I know why messi chose miami. One he want to enjoy there his life, cause it is most beutiful place, 2nd he want latines than arabs and deserts, 3rd he want to improve fb in America, where every one respected him unlike the ignorant saudi fans who chanted him in wc22

  7. Propaganda news. were did he got the money.?????. football money end up only in social media. actually they are rich in social media.but in true life they stopped spreading fake news around the world

  8. Why?
    Why does 1 person need so much when others have so little? I understand you work hard and therefore you should have a better life but there’s a point where it becomes pointless and the excess could be better used to benefit others.

  9. It’s amazing how the rich live their lives when the poor are dying to hunger. I wish life was equal to everyone, I mean I would love to have what the rich has and have a huge mansion and go on amazing vacations to private islands but sadly the majority of us will never ever ever ever be living that life style

  10. Absolutely deserves everything he has in his life. Messi is one of the most iconic human beings in history. Super hardworking and talented. No conterversy, no drugs and no bad influence on kids or adults. He is very positive guy who gave us so many beautiful memories along the years. I hope God gives him even more.

  11. Too bad he doesn’t own his soul anymore. It’s amazing what a father can do to take care of his family. I feel soy for him. And believe me I know what I’m talking about I’m friend with a baseball player and he’s got a lot of money, but he is empty. Can say no more sorry guys.

  12. What a sad time we live in many are obsessed with money and being a millionaire. Some have no understanding that all these things are coming to an end. READ THE BOOK OF 2 ESDRAS all of the cities are going to be thrown down and mankind is going to be so scarce their are going to be like 10 people in some cities. Bodies are going to be thrown out like dung. Those who have ears to hear. Turn away from the world and it' lust for money and things and evil. All of this is coming to an end.

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