Prime Messi Skills ?

Prime Messi Skills Tienda OnLine especializada en venta de Ftbol Profesional donde comprar Botas, camisetas de futbol Aberdeen Equipaciones personalizadas y Equipaciones baratas.

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Amazing Skills & Goals by the Best Players! 😀
A compilation of best moments of in 2022-2023 HD
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Video Produced by: Lorenzo F7
Computer used: Macbook Pro 15′ Retina
Software used: Final Cut Pro X, After Effects CC
Muchas gracias por ver el vdeo!
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100 comentario en “Prime Messi Skills ?”
  1. He mastered Body Feints, spacial awareness, analyzing the enemy, reading body langague and aceleration. Then he Mixed that with his supreme talent to keep the ball close to his feet and without any flashy skills he became the best dribller in football history. The higher football iq in the sport

  2. Izleyeni bile yaniltan bir deha ..saha icinde rakibi yaniltmak zaten yildiz oldugunun ispatidir fakat izleyenide buna dahil etmek nedir ..iste bunun bi adi yok..BUNUN HERALDE TEK ADI DEHALIKTIR DAHİLİKTİR..

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