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Manvthe goat
The king ? deserves a break we should be happy
Young im 62 hes amazing grandson plays interleague football.
I love the guy but hate his fans, just like i hate dumb ronaldo fans
Blah blah blah
After a long battle king need a rest
What he said really blew my mind ?
He still love to play the world cup as defending champions like Maradona did
He definitely won't be at the 2026 world cup, and if he will be, it'll most likely he as a bench warmer
Meanwhile ZLATAN
Source:Heung Min Son's anger
Source: Heung Min Son's anger
Well this kinda ruined my day
I knew it and that’s my love my man and of course Messi is my king ? ???❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?
Idk how a Portuguese team with like the whole team 85+ and Argentina not having a better team still got the better of them.
I want to win the super Ballon door
Messi would never win another Copa América