Kylian Mbappe’s reaction when Messi left the UNFP ceremony for the Coldplay concert in Barcelona

Kylian Mbappe’s reaction when Messi left the UNFP ceremony for the Coldplay concert in Barcelona Lisas, estampadas, con personajes… No sabemos cules son sus preferidas, pero en Sprinter te ofrecemos la mejor seleccin de camisetas para nio: camisetas de futbol Finland un comodn imprescindible para el armario de los ms pequeos de la casa en sus das de colegio, deporte o de planes divertidos con amigos.

Leo Messi, not at UNFP ceremony with PSG tonight — he’s at Coldplay concert in Barcelona.
Muchas gracias por ver el vdeo!
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45 comentario en “Kylian Mbappe’s reaction when Messi left the UNFP ceremony for the Coldplay concert in Barcelona”
  1. Messi turning up when his team needed him the most to clinch their league title. While Ronaldo ghosted against Al Shawarma??

  2. I wanted to meet my idol Penaldo. I had no idea but I knew that Pendu liked pens and dived for them. So I bought some pens for 50$. I threw the pens and out of no where pendu came and Dived for the Pen. I became happy to see my idol and dropped my bag of pens. Pendu dived and also took those pens. I was Happy That i got a chance to meet him and As I was About to speak pendu said: "No Pens No friends" and then He ghosted. Shame on you pendu for wasting My money and stealing my pens.

  3. I was attending an exam. My teacher said we can leave the class when we are finished. Suddenly just after exam started, I saw a fraud silently leaving. I asked who it is. She said, "He is Pristiano Penaldo, he is already finished, that's why he's leaving." Shame on you penaldo

  4. I went outside for a nice walk today when all of a sudden it started raining footballs! I was confused so I asked a man walking by what was happening. He told me "It's Pristiano Penaldo practicing free kicks". I immediately went back inside Shame on you Penaldo for ruining my day!

  5. Proof that my idog Penaldog deserves ballon d'or 2023

    1)he can score against the best team in the word Al burger

    2)he is playing in the hardest League in the world

    3)he has more followers than Messi so he is better

    4)his Child died so he deserves it

    5)winner mentality

    If penaldog doesnt win it I will call it rigged ? ? ? ????

  6. My teacher told me a story about a beach in Porntugal. Each week he would see an unconscious Goblin get watched on to the shore. Locals told him "That's the Lecceman, don't worry about him. He loves to dive and often gets washed up here" Shame on you Penaldog, you're washed ? won't give you dog food tonight ??❌

  7. I was feeling the kettle when suddenly that tap exploded of the pipe! It was a mess water everywhere. I rang the plumber to ask if they can put a tap in for me and they send my finished dog Pussiano Penaldog, the best in the world at putting tap ins! Thank you Penaldog for fixing my tap. I'll give you dog food ?? tonight ?

  8. Bruh i don't know why, when a Messi video pops up, there's a large section of people who will clown Ronaldo just to show how Great Messi is, bruh

  9. For Pepsigayfandogs who call Ronaldo as "Penaldo" , Pepsidog is the Player that missed most Penalties in Football History. Its not that easy to score a Penaltiy under a big pressure. Pepsidog only scored 31 goals for PSG in 81 games. ????

  10. My idol pessi ? career in football
    0 la-liga titles
    0 Ligue 1 titles
    0 golden boots
    0 ballon d’ors
    0 World Cup
    0 titles
    0 goals
    0 assists
    %100 tax evasion

  11. I was going on a nice walk and went to the nearest McDonald's, and I saw Pessi and Penaldo working there. Out of curiosity, I asked them why they were working there when they are famous footballers, and they said we needed find easier jobs because fifa banned penalties. shame my idols are retiring fifa plzz unban penalties now are my idols well disappear? ?

  12. People tend to forget really fast: 1th Mbappé is the reason the team was in constant tension, because of all the power the club gave him (one of the main reason they wont win the UCL); 2nd Messi has better stats than Mbappé and he also has the most MOTM for PSG (Messi 14 vs. Mbappé 7) but still Mbappé gets the trophy. This gesture is nothing more than political. I don't believe Mbappé words, he will always be in Messi's shaddow … the truth is, he is happy to get rid of him. 100%!

  13. Mbappe: Didn't react at all
    Virgin Messi fanboys: Oh Mbappe (Mr. Haventwonaballondor) is disrespecting the GOAT. He is just jealous that Messi won 3 Ballon Dors at his age blablabla. I don't need watch the video to see Mbappe's reaction, because I am a idiot anyway. I don't need to watch Uber Eats League to see that Messi is PSG star player and not Mbappe blalala. Thats it……….and oh yeah. 0 knockout goals for Penaldo.

  14. On behalf of myself and the rest of the men in the world we want to say thank you to the person who made this list of league 1 players of the season, for recognising the chairman/president men's Association worldwide who is also the right back at PSG, Achraf Hakimi

  15. I like how Messi was able to gain this respect by being humble, kind and quiet to reach his destiny while Benchnaldo ? could only spit the words without stopping how great he is, though we see how karma works and who ends up in Al Shawarma league

  16. Massi was helping mbappe score free goals that guy could’ve break messi record for one season or in a calendar season with no problem if he was clinical enough

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