Messi Selflessly Pass To Mbappe || But He Missed Compra online las mejores Camisetas de Ftbol del 2022 en oferta de Espaa! camisetas de futbol Czech Republic La mejor atencin al cliente y la mejor calidad!
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Mbappe did it on purpose… He didn't goal on purpose.. there can be 2 motive here,, 1. He is supporting his prev statement that psg is not kyliand saint german and that every player counts….. Or 2. His ego didn't allow him to goal with Messi's pass/assist,,, maybe he wanted to do it without anyone's assist…
If Messi miss that goal…psg fans will boo him but not for mbappe……hope he will return to barca his loyal fans are waiting for his return…
And then they Boo Messi?…..
"if messi had a ego he would score 30 goals in 10 games"
Useless PSG fans did not pooed him o
I think this misses from Mbappe, really he is doing knowingly, because hates to count an assist for Messi.
Such a ego man.
Its 1 team but messi fans act like they are competitors. They are so happy when something bad happens to Mbappe. Very bad vibes, Messi must be so ashamed.
Messi always looking for the best option. Could run around the keeper or an easy pass to Kylian for a certain goal. Not always the case. Anyone can miss those. You’d never understand how someone that good would miss that but really it’s easy. You lean back enough and it does that. Anyone that’s played football long enough has missed those.
Goat assists Ninja turtle but he missed?
Typical banana eating speed merchant. The overhyped turtle doesn’t have basic accuracy and composure.
Trash fans deserve trash players to cheer for…….wouldn't that be fun if their beloved Golden Child left them after next year if not earlier LMAO
Wtf he missed thay
thats cos Mbappe is not used to giving or receiving these passes :'D
They dare boo the goat, mbappe is being carried by Messi, that's the truth but the French media will always find dirt on Messi
Seriously Kylian? Again?? All fkn season man, I'm so sick of this. Messi should stop passing to him, and take the shot himself. Messi has (one) weakness:. He needs to be an ass hole and selfish a little bit with Kylian and create his own gls instead of passing to a ghost for the last 4 matches. Wtf? Plus, thanks for the pass Kylian. The dude barely passes, on top of it! ??
No one is talking about that Mbappe is actually offside anyway so doesn't really matter in the end
Once I get it, twice is unusual at that level but more then three times that’s on purpose now. Mbappe doesn’t want PSG to win to stop Messi from winning the title that will tie him for first place as the most decorated soccer player in history with Dani Alvis, that’s what this is about now. I believe Mbappe is out to hurt Messi however he can because he still hasn’t gotten over loosing the WC. That’s why he loves when he gets to wear that Captain armband while Messi is on the team because he loves feeling superior then Messi instead of trying to be humble and learn from the GOAT.
Imo Haaland is just clear of Mbappe
If he got a overpowered International team like france then he would literally destroy the world cup!!
I guess giving the ball back to Messi was never an option to him.
Mbappe is offsides there
Very very far from Messi….mbpe is nothing…
Anytime PSG looses, I know Messi performance was never in question
If it's mbappe he'll never pass to Messi but Messi is really a team player not greedy enough.
Btw, what was the defender doing on the goal line?
Why did Messi made that pass when Mbappe is in a offside position?
Mbappe doesn't have the generosity of spirit that Messi has. One would hope that he would mature with age, but unfortunately he is showing all the signs of a diva. Reminds me of Lebron James.
The french being idiots whats new?
Leo is always selfless and Mbappe missed the clear chances. On the other hand, Mbappe is trying so much shoots instead to play to his teammates who are completely free. Mbappe is a selfish player and a sloppy kid until he don't scored a goal by himself. He dont care about the victory or goals of his team, he only care for his own theater. That's why good teams never want him.
A lot people in this comment section seem to not know that Mbappe was offside so it doesn't matter. Though it should have still gone in seeing as the goal was open wide
He need to return to Barcelona and teach psg a serious lesson
Mbappe wasn’t expecting the pass and it threw him off
he can not score everything (mbappe) he is just a human like us
I watched the match and not only one, Messi always try to pass to mbappe whenever he can. Messi has no ambition anymore in personal achievement..
I just hate Messi for this action helping selfish Mbappe
As said before mbappé is not a great finisher… far from clynical, he depends on power more than accuracy, kinda like his father lukaku
Mbappe missed at least 30 assists from messi
Suarez couldve scored half of thse even at his current age
Deliberately missed because it would add up to Messi assists. Messi is at sunset point Mbappe should bother about Haaland who is going to outshine him for next ten years. ?
Even if he scored, he was in offside
1:10 look on messi face makes me want to kill that ninja turtle.
Bro honestly if messi was truly the goat he would have taken the shot there, you can’t be that insecure from that position if you rly are the goat, the real goat would’ve taken a no look shot from there
messi should shoot
Like the italians with Maradona, the french will not tolerate in their country the man that eliminated them from the World Cup. Something similar happened after the 2007 Rugby World Cup. Terribly bad losers !!
Maradona, Ronaldinho,Rivaldo,Ronaldo Nazario , their careers ended waaay before messi and people criticize messi when hes at the end of his carrer and he not only scores he still assists last season he ended top assister in france legue , people that criticize him specially the french media were out of their mind if they thought that buying messi means buying messi in their prime , he is still an execellent player but thinking hes going to be the goat in psg was rheir mistake current goat are haland and mbappe , messi in out national team (argentina) and in psg is and was much more an assiter than a scorer and like i said messi is old close to his retirement , thinking that he can still plays like 8 or 9 years ago was psg and france mistake , good for messi he got a world cup and a huuuge money contract but he is in his last 2 or 3 years playing in europe
and the stupid Paris fans boo this amazing player.
Still mfs whistles messi instead of mbappe?
I have watched this video more than 10 times
Mbappe offisde though ,only one player infront of him!
Although that was offside i think but everybody knows that Messi is a KING OF FOOTBALL and smartest player ever.
the defender #25 ?? "he went to check if the net had any hole or what ?
Anyone else notice that mbappe is offside? Only the one defender in front of him when Messi passed it to him.
Mbappé as off side, he knew, so he missed on purpose ???
When Messi released the ball for Mbappe, at that point of time there was just one defender in front of Mbappe (and the goalkeeper was behind Mbappe). Had Mbappe scored the goal it would have been disallowed for offside through VAR. Referee might not have noticed it at the first instance but eventually it would have been discovered through VAR.
(just refer to Benzema's disallowed goal against Liverpool during last year's UCL)
Few days ago Messi also missed a simple goal ? ,,, remember ????
The look of disgust on Messi’s face….is reserved for a select few…Neymar never got that look…lol
Messi is a provider like a father. Hate him, hate a father
ultras cannot hide the sun with a finger.
There's no better way to describe him, he is Messi and doing what Messi does✨️
Then, whos's the one getting booed??
Messi as messi always has – Peter Drury
Anybody that has played real competitive Futbol knows that it would have been offside anyways! Only one player infront of Mbappe Aguante Messi!!!
Ego is eating out Mbappe. Must learn from the humble best player today.
But if u know football rules….mbampe was offside…this goal was gonna be ruled out anyway
He's overdoing it, that's an open net he could have easily scored
psg fans don't deserve best player in the world Leo Measi
PSG aren't accustomed to things that are Great.. so they can't appreciate the Real King of Football..really sad
Messi could have scored easily there
It would have been offside
It’s not my team but i bet Messi is still enjoying it ??? after all better luck next time France!!!!???????
monkey no shoot good
See the way Messi look at him ??
He was clearly offside tho..
Mbappe is a?
I heard that PSG ultras are going to boo Messi for Mbappe's miss in a home game lol
"And this most recent goal assist is proof that Messi is a team player" LOL!!
must be a mesi fan
I wondered why not just go for goal because the space was there. But as usual, he wants his teammates to be included.
I may b wrong but that would have been dissallowed for offside. Mbappe is behind the keeper and the ball.
That's why PSG sucks.
Mbappe disrespects psg they love him, messi is humble and they boo him
Messi played along with the best donkey on earth
with that space messi could have easily gone into the gol with the ball ahahahahahahahahah
Mbappe is like a nobody compared to messi
PSG supporters don't deserve Messi
Would have been offside tho… because the defender and the keeper swapped positions
Plss make a video showing all the passes from messi, mbappe failed to score, there are many
Leo is a masterclass… PSG is z luckiest club to have him… they should learn to appreciate him… we will never see the likes of him ever again
Missbappe most big chances missed
After Messi leaves PSG… Only France will watch Ligue 1….
Messi ❤❤s best player in the world but when you talk in bisnes not how mach it have been it depend how much he have flexibility like Mbappe
I don't understand why so much disrespect for a selfless guy and humble like Messi.
Kylian Saint Germain ?
no more duo as PSG fans rejected Messi in favor of Mbappe.
You forgot to add "AGAIN"
It was offside anyway ?
Lauturo and mbappe must be related.
If I was there insist of Messi I would 110% take a shot. Fuk you messi. U can’t be too good to this club. Ppl hate u coz u too good to them
Saint messi
Incroyablement égoïste..